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The information listed below, current as of September 2023, is meant as a general guide in terms of costs for directly commissioned work and forms the basis of costings for tenders and framework submissions.


Cwmni2 is happy to negotiate costs on specific projects with public, health, voluntary and private sector organisations in Wales.


Timescales on individual items of work will need to be agreed before hand in order to suit the customer’s requirements and Cwmni2’s capacity at the time.


Translations and Proof-reading

£60.00 per 1000 words - no additional proof-reading costs are raised on work that is submitted to Cwmni2 for translation, however if proof-reading is required on translated work not undertaken by Cwmni2, the document will be charged at the same word-count rate, and for the full word count.


Cwmni2 can accept files in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Publisher formats, or small requests as text within an email (social media posts for example).


PDF files that are uneditable can also be accepted but may require a longer deadline as they need to be converted and then the final translation re-formatted.


HTML files can be translated though this will need further discussion on individual projects.

Policy Work

Policy work can include developing or updating Equality, Diversity and Inclusion plans and Welsh language strategies, and related action plans or impact assessments. Cwmni2’s rates are £500 per day for providing policy work, which includes delivering a fully bilingual service acting as professional support and a "second opinion" on issues relating to the implementation of EDI and/or Welsh language service provision within an organisation - please visit the Equalities and Welsh Language Consultancy Work page for full details of the services offered. Pro rata terms can also be negotiated.

Invoicing and Payment

Unless otherwise determined by the organisation’s own payment systems, Cwmni2 will invoice for the policy work on delivery of that work, or at the end of each calendar month for that month’s translation work. Payment due dates can therefore vary but are no later than 31 days following the date of the invoice.



IR35 Status


The PDF below outlines Cwmni2's IR35 status, which will need to be confirmed by new clients prior to the commencement of any consultancy or translation work being undertaken.

Costs and Terms
©2023 Cwmni2 Cedwir Pob Hawl / All Rights Reserved

Rhif cwmni / Company number: 10140626

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